Sunday, August 2, 2015


John Ewelukwa Udegbunam
1.0.     Introduction
1.1.  Management:
The above word ‘management’ the nucleus of this lecture, is defined as the process of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling in order to formulate and attain organization goal (i.e aims and objectives).
From the above definition, to be specific, the organization we will talk about is the Praise and Worship Ministry in the CCR and its objectives. Before getting down to the lecture proper, some words that made up the definition will be defined.
 1.2. An Organization: This is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated toward common goal. We have formal and informal organizations. Informal organizations have leaders and not managers in the sense we do use the term. Praise and Worship Ministry as a sub-unit of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal strives to attain its objectives and that of the Mother Organization (CCR).
1.3.  Objectives:  Every organization has its objectives. The under-listed statements are reasons for establishing the Praise and Worship Ministry in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal.
A.    To have special group whose responsibility is to lead the people of God in worship through music.
B.    To spread good news through music.
C.    To prepare and compose songs for worship, songs that can console, soothe or heal and transform the broken hearted etc.
D.    To encourage talents.
E.    That members of the Ministry will attain heaven through such services.
1.4   Functions of the Management Process
Planning, Organization, Motivating and Controlling are interrelated four functions of Management process.
1.4.1.        The planning functions are the process of deciding what the organization’s objectives should be and what members should do to attain ‘them’.
        The function of planning address three primary questions:
I.          Where are we now? Here it involved assessing the organization strength, failures and progress towards the achievement of the objectives.
II.          Where do we go from here? This involves assessing opportunities and threats within the organization’s environment and how to face them.
III.        How are they going to get there? This involves taking decision on what should be done for members to attain the organization’s objectives.
1.4.2.  Organization:  This function’s name derived from organization is the creation of structure. There are many elements in organization that need equipment, educating members, booking engagements etc. The above mention issues and other related ones need delegated authority for proper execution and feedback to the head or manager (Leader).
1.4.3.  Motivating: The manager (chairman or leader) has to know things that should be done to members or how to approach them, making them work hard. How? E.g. incentives.
1.4.4.  Controlling: This is the process by which we insure that organization objectives are being achieved. This involves checking whether members are meeting standards of the organizational objectives, measuring what has been achieved and comparing it to organization’s dreams. It is assessment and a supervisory role.
1.5.     In the Praise and Worship Ministry, there are some hierarchical names that are associated with the office that oversee to the welfare of the ministry e.g., Chairman, Leader, Band Leader, Coordinator, Choir Master, Music Director, Liaison Personnel, Chief Liaison Person etc.
Some Praise and Worship Ministries are divided into two:
Ø          The Choir
Ø           The Band
In some cases their operations are interwoven while in some cases they operate in isolation of the other. In the real sense and to my own understanding and experience they should be one group.
Through my own experience of what exists among many of the Charismatic Renewal groups around the globe, there is nothing like having the Choir and Band operating separately. What should exist is a standard Praise and Worship Ministry with local or foreign musical equipment or without instrument for those who have not purchased theirs’.
1.6.     The Hierarchy in the Ministry:
1.6.1.  Liaison Personnel
In some group, leaders are posted from the team of coordinators of the Mother Prayer Group as Liaison Personnels; in that case one of them should be the Chief Liaison Personnel. These Leaders posted may not be members of the ministry or even have idea what singing or playing music is all about. This is so because professionals are few. It would have been better where majority of people posted to such groups were musicians. The posted leaders see to the imparting of the word of God to the group and other managerial and organizational activities, them report back to the Team of coordinators of the Mother Prayer Group.
1.6.2.  Music Director or Choirmaster
The Music Director or Choirmaster is in charge of teaching and conducting of songs. The responsibility to bring up new choirmasters and singers is on him.
1.6.3.  Band Leader:
The Band Leader has the responsibility to organize the members of the ministry for outings through the directives of the Liaison or other liaison personnel. He also helps in teaching or organizing training for the new ones (instrumentalists and singers).
1.6.4.  Chief Technician:
In the case of small repairs and care for the instruments, somebody has to be in charge, he may be called the above name.
1.6.5.  Booking Personnel:
This person takes charge of the ministry’s bookings to avoid conflict in dates and remits the money to chief liaison or designated personnel.
1.6.6.  Financial Secretary/Treasurer:
They are in charge of the money that accrues to the group for some minor expenditure. There are other designations in the ministry e.g. Lead Singers, or Soloist, Lead Guitarist, Chief Organist, etc.
1.6.7.  Music Coach: 
The music Coach is solely in charge of music lessons/practice.
1.7.     Outings:
The entire group could be divided into two or more, where the ministry has enough personnel especially instrumentalists to handle outings to avoid over labour. When people are over laboured by too much outings and engagements, sometimes it affects their businesses, spiritual and private life. The group will start to suffer and next is to start recording disappointments, when they are booked for functions. If the group is divided into two or more, they are to practice in common, hence it is not a separation that warrants everybody to do his/her personal wish.
1.8.     Packing Instruments:
The instrumentalists and the technical group must be around when instruments are being packed. Under no circumstances should they leave the instruments to novice to pack or set.
Those who are supposed to care for the instruments have at one time or the other damaged expensive equipments due to negligence of responsibilities. Similarly, many Charismatic groups have lost huge sum of money and are still losing more as a result of this canker worm.

1.9.     The Purchase of Musical Equipment:
 It is a wise habit to always consult a tested professional with experience before buying any equipment. Do not forget that it is not all that glitters that are gold. I have seen many groups which were misled into buying expensive equipment, which could not serve them for a day or a week and the huge sum sank into the purchase got wasted. It is a very bitter experience, to go through such enterprise. Be warned! Do not waste the hard earned money of brethren for nothing, the consequence is there waiting for culprits. I repeat, take time to ask questions and obtain proper information before any purchase is made.
1.10.   Generation of Fund
1.10.1.       Outings: The Praise and Worship Ministry can also go commercial e.g. Weddings, Burials, Church services, Thanksgiving services, though this will depend on the decision of the Praise and Worship Ministry leaders in conjunction with the Mother Prayer Group’s Coordinators. However care should be taken to avoid damaging the equipments in such outings. If any group records huge damages in outings such that will affect the Prayer Group band performance, immediate decision has to be taken to avoid serious effect on the renewal’s crusades, seminars, conferences, retreat etc. Which the bands play a vital role and which is the one of the main purpose of purchasing the band.
1.10.2.       Recording:     The Praise and Worship Ministry can through the permission and help of the group coordinators, record songs as means of spreading the good news and at the same time, (if God permits) realize some proceeds for the spread of the gospel. The sponsorship can come either from the prayer group or music companies. (I recommend the reading of a pamphlet captioned ‘Ethics for Gospel Musicians by John Ndidika Ewelukwa Udegbunam)

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